Thursday, January 12, 2012

Saving Money

Do you ever find yourself going to the grocery store, Target, or even Walmart, only needing to pick up a couple of things, and coming out spending way more than you wanted and not even getting what you went for?

The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one. _Erma Bombeck

Here's my all has to door with those automatic doors.....there has to be some sort of unexplainable maybe chemical reaction in our brains when we pass through them. I can be reciting my list during the whole drive there, and once those doors open, POOF it's gone! So what do I need to do every time, make a list even if it's is for 2 items I have to make a list. Do I like the fact that I can't remember to get 2 things, NO! And I am convinced it has nothing to do with age, It's all because of those dam doors!

That being said.....

Now that ot's a new year, most people are trying to find a way to save money, myself included. Last year we did cut back, and wanted to keep going, but it seems as though anytime you get ahead, you take a step or two back.

Grocery shopping is a big headache for me. I always try to shop the sales, and still hate spending so much money. I also hate clipping coupons, I will definitely never be an extreme couponer.

Raising 3 boys, some of the necessities we go through in any given week are.....
6-8 Gallons of milk (I never drink the milk, because I am afraid we will run out and I will have to back to the grocery store to pick it up)
3-4 boxes of any given cereal
2 dozen eggs
and the list goes on and on...and that just covers breakfast.
So saving money is somewhat of a priority for me. One of the things I dislike is the boys drinking soda and try to limit it, and the fact that they open a can take a couple of sips and leave it there to go flat, so I only get it when its on sale, and when there is none in the house, there's none. So to save some money on the soda side of things we bought a Soda Stream Machine, and have to admit it's pretty cool, and the soda flavors are pretty good too.

So my goals on saving money in 2012 aside from starving the children and clipping coupons....

Organize myself so we are not ordering takeout at the last minute
Plan weekly meals ahead of time
Send Michael to a cooking class, so I don't have to get organized or plan weekly meals (lets see if he is reading the blog and paying attention haha)
Make a list every time I have to step foot in front those automatic doors, and have a study conducted as to why I never can remember anything once I pass through them.
Here's to a great money saving 2012!

I know this....In My Life.......milk is $2.50/gallon, cereal is way too expensive, and I think I should raise chickens instead of buying eggs.....boy can growing boys eat.

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