Friday, January 27, 2012

A New Beginning

For those of you who know me, 2011 was a very difficult year for me. My job had drastically changed and had to learn a whole new position and if I were to fail, I would be left without a job in one of the worst job markets in recent history. This put an amazing amount of stress on me, the added stress between home and work took it's toll. I ended up in the hospital having chest pains and was put through series of tests to determine what was wrong. Thankfully it wasn't life threatening, most of it brought on by stress, but I have had to look at my life a little closer now.

 My blood pressure on a good day was 160/110 I developed what my doctor says is stress induced diabetes, my cholesterol and triglyceride levels were out of control. Panic attacks...all the time. So needless to say I was given a multitude of medications to take. The best part of all this, is that if I didn't have all the work stress, I would never had known all that was wrong, so I guess that was a blessing in disguise.

My job, I used to love it.
Now, I love the people I work with and I like my job.
It took a while to get where I am. Part of the reason my job is stressful is because I work rotating shifts 2 weeks of working 12 hour day shifts and then 2 weeks of 12 hour night shifts. Sounds fun right?!? I have finally gotten to a place where I can focus on taking care of myself now, I need and want to get off these medications, after all I am only 40.

 I always felt good, didn't always look my best, but thought I was healthy. I don't eat bad, maybe on occassion crave a fried seafood dinner or a giant ice cream sundae, but hardly ever indulged in those. Apparently just because you feel healthy, it doesn't mean you are. 
One of my favorite places!
One of the best dinners there!
Who could be from New England and not like Ice Cream?

Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. So what do I do?!? A question that I ask myself on a daily basis...the first thing I am doing is focusing on me for a change, no I won't neglet my kids, but they are going to have to realize that if they want me to live long enough to be able to choose my retirement home, I need to take care of me. 

I started with this blog for some "me" time, and other than trying to think of what to write about I am enjoying it, and hope you are too.

Second, force myself to get off my duff, working 12 hours then coming home to either fix dinner and drive the kids to sports, or working the night shift and trying to sneak in a nap before going back for another night shift I am too tired for anything else, and my days off are spent doing laundry and catching up on housework.YUCK!

So I have challenged my oldest to the couch to 5k challenge ( . I love to work out with someone else....keps me motivated and I am competitive so nothing like challenging a 14 year old. Little does he know I am going to whip his you know I hope in a couple of months we will run a 5k, and I will do it without going into cardiac arrest! and maybe after that a 10k and then a 1/2 marathon, and then triathalon...hahaha, for now I will just concentrate on the 5k.

And third, spend quality time with my family and see my friends more often. I have made so many friends over the years, some of us have drifted apart, but I think of them is time to get back in touch, and have some fun together.

Stay tuned for updates on my and hopefully getting off the meds!!!

I know this.... In My Life I get just one shot at this, so its time to make some changes