Saturday, September 8, 2012

Back To School


                                                   Top 10 Back to School Quotes

#1 For the moms
“If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers.” ~Edgar W. Howe

#2 For those of faith
“As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools.” ~Author Unknown

#3 For Politicians
“But there are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.” ~Ronald Reagan

#4 For kids
“Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years.” ~Gracie Allen

#5 For teachers
“There are three good reasons to be a teacher – June, July, and August.” ~Author Unknown

#6 For the student
“I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.” ~Winston Churchill

#7 For the Class Clown
We all learn by experience but some of us have to go to summer school.” ~Peter De Vries

#8 For the question asker
“What’s another word for thesaurus?” ~Steven Wright.

#9 For unruly children
“When a teacher calls a boy by his entire name, it means trouble.” ~ Mark Twain

#10 For anyone who lives or works with kids
“Schoolteachers are not fully appreciated by parents until it rains all day Saturday.” ~ E. C. McKenzie

For those of us with children, our children are back in school, that either makes us happy or a bit sad. For me it's a little of both, I am sad to see summer go, but I am happy that my children are not spending every moment together, they were starting to get on each others nerves...and mine! Now that they are back maybe I can get my house back in somewhat of organized mess...until the weekend.

For those of us without children this is the time of year where you need to pay attention to school buses, and children waiting for those cautious of your surroundings. 

I was thinking about back to school shopping, and why so many parents do it. I am not one of those parents, the only things I buy my boys before school starts is new sneakers and the dreaded school supplies. I don't run out and get them new clothes because, my oldest (15) only wears shorts to school (year round), and the younger two (9 & 8) will wear shorts until it gets real cold in the morning. So I will probably not be school shopping until mid October.

With that in mind I need my own list of back to school supplies... 

1. An alarm clock that will effectively rouse my children from sleep in the pitch-black darkness. Generally I use the dogs, but they are starting to just climb in bed with the boys.
Matt's head peaking out of the blankets, a job well done by Molly & Lucy

Nick still sleeping, while Molly is getting comfy and Lucy poses for the picture

2. A portable public address system (perhaps a bullhorn?) for making morning announcements like, “The bus will be here in five minutes, so you better have clothes on, and teeth brushed!" without having to strain my tender vocal chords.

3. An “Elementary Math for Adults Who Remember Nothing” book, so I can continue to delude my children that I do, indeed, know everything.

4. An ample supply of over-the-counter medications to stave off midnight drives to the drugstore to counteract illnesses such as swine flu, the Ebola virus, scurvy, etc. Something will hit epidemic status within the first three weeks of school starting, and a giant bottle of ibuprofen for myself.

5. A new book of checks, as I will be writing hundreds for things like school spirit wear, lunch money, supplies for the class hamster, fundraisers etc. Don’t get me wrong, I love supporting the school — but I wish I could write 1 check and be done with it....I have enough wrapping paper, frozen cookie dough, and blank greeting cards.

6. A self-sorting garbage can for collecting the mass of graded schoolwork, artwork, and other assorted papers that find their way into backpacks. 

7. A large bottle of wine. No explanation necessary.

8. An ample supply of snacks deemed appropriate for my elementary school aged children, since the school seems to know how to raise my children better than I do by telling me what they cannot eat.....just a hint of sarcasm there.

9. Something to actually keep a lunch warm without spilling, so my children aren't forced to eat a warm school lunch that, as they say is disgusting.

10. And while I am on the subject of about giving the children that do not like milk an option of juice instead of making them buy milk only to throw it away.....or even better don't make them buy it, and I will pack them a drink.

OK, well I guess it's going to be a long year for me... I do love to watch the boys grow and learn, and I have to thank all the wonderful teachers that take the kids off our hands and mold them into the young men and women that they are becoming. 

I know this...In My Life I will treasure June, July, and August, look forward to September, and cry when they are sending their own children off to school.

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