Saturday, July 21, 2012
Beezers...thank you
It has been a while since I commented on a favorite place to visit or eat, so there's no better time than the present! One of my very favorite local establishments was a place called Beezers.
Beezers opened in 1998 and owners Steve and Linda Bock fast became town favorites. Not only did they have ice cream, they had the Chicago Dog...and various other eats....but I am dwelling on the Chicago Dog.
Never heard of a Chicago Dog? Well let me introduce you.........
A Chicago Dog is more than just a Hot Dog; it's a taste sensation with the perfect blend of toppings. A Chicago Dog is a steamed all beef Hot Dog topped with yellow mustard, bright green relish, onions, tomato wedges, pickle spear or slice, sport peppers and a dash of celery salt served in the all-important steamed poppy seed bun.
Is your mouth watering yet? Mine is!!
My family and I frequented Beezers quite often during the summer months weather it was for a Chicago Dog or a lemon freeze or the all important vanilla twist with jimmies...(yes I said jimmies not's a New England thing). Beezers was loved by everyone in town, and then in 2010 their landlord decided not to renew their lease and Beezers was no many people were devastated, and not just because we would not be able to get our ice cream or food fix from them, because we truly cared for the Bocks. It's not often you have a local run establishment that you love to visit and can see and speak to the owners all the time.
Fast forward to 2012...Beezers is back! Although not in the same location and not as large as before, they are back. They have moved a short distance from where they previously were, and now reside at 277 Main St right next to Trombetta's Ice Cream. What a great combination Ice Cream and Hot Dogs, the only thing missing their famous french fries, but I am not complaining! I am so happy to have them back. They now have an array of different hot dogs to try like....Carolina Dog- topped with chili and southern style coleslaw, or the Pizza Dog- topped with marinara sauce, pepperoni, mozzarella, and Parmesan cheese, they even have a veggie version of the Chicago Dog!
Check out more on their website
So if you are in the neighborhood or even in the state for that matter, stop by Beezers for a great Chicago Dog and maybe a Coffee Frappe at Trombetta's (yes I said frappe, again a New England thing it's also known as a milkshake, but if you order a milkshake in New England that's what you'll get milk and syrup ice cream)
Beezers and Trombetta's
277 Main St
Northborough Ma 01532
I know this...In My Life my favorite places will always bring a smile to my face, thank you Steve and Linda for making me smile!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Raising 3 of them...
Raising Boys
Author: Roberta I. TeagueI scrub the wall of fingerprints,
Pick up the mounds of clothes.
I sweep the dirt that shoes track in-
Wish I could use a hose!
Meals are served from dawn to dark,
Dirty dishes crowd the sink.
Just when they’re washed and put away-
Everyone wants a drink!
The washer pulls the dirty grime
From pants worn thin and patched.
They look so very neat and clean-
Yuck, look what the pockets hatched!
Broken bones and bloody knees,
I should have been a nurse.
I take it all in shaky stride-
Just grateful it’s not worse!
Screams and shouts and arguments
Test the keeping of my cool.
They left the neighbor’s faucet on-
See their new front yard pool!
A soothing bath is ecstasy,
A reward at the end of my rope.
Raising boys isn’t really bad-
But first I must wash the soap!
A rose can say I Love You,
Orchids can enthrall;
But a weed bouquet in a chubby fist,
Oh my, that says it all!
What are you watching? |
I can't give any advice on raising girls, I have 3 boys. I don't even think I can give advice on raising boys, each boy is very unique...this much I have learned. I can point out some facts about boys, and I think this will cover most boys.
Boys don't care if the house is messy. They make the messes.
When you're having a bad day, boys come up with creative ways to make you smile again - like picking flowering weeds and putting them in a coffee cup, or going in your room and grabbing a piece of your jewelry and gift wrapping it for you.
Boys will wear underwear more than one day if you don't get around to the laundry. Heck, they'll just go without if they have to.
Right Back At Ya! |
If you ask a boy what he's thinking about and he says "Nothing," then that's probably true, but will turn around and recite a cartoon episode word for word that he saw 6 months ago.
Boys think nothing of stuffing socks in a sofa cushion, or under a chair so they do not have to carry them to the laundry basket, and that's because they have no idea what a laundry basket is.
Boys always say that the pants don't make your butt look big even if they do. They will also tell you that you look beautiful in the ugly dress you got on sale.
If you're having a really bad day, boys will suggest that you watch "Star Wars" on DVD and they might make you popcorn, if they haven't already eaten you out of house and home.
Boys will show you affection as long as its not in public and no one else can see.
Ask 3 boys what they would like for dinner, you will always get 3 different answers, and 3 different arguments about why they hate what the others suggested, even though yesterday it was their favorite.
I tried to teach my boys about OHIO (only handle it once) when picking up. They insist OHIO is a state and not a meaning. So.....
We talked about driving through Ohio...their we drove through Cleveland....which is in Ohio....only handle it once......I give up!
No matter how old they are, when they are not feeling well, they don't want dad, they want mom.
I have pointed out before that when I meet new people and they realize I have 3 boys, it is almost always followed by God bless you. Yes I am very blessed, but the older they get and the older I get I have come to realize I need a girls only room. So I had a great idea of taking my walk in closet and figuring out a way to re-organize it so I can fit a chaise lounge chair in there and have a small TV hanging on the door oh and a lock from the inside....instant mommy room.....this will be done, I just need those wonderful men/boys in my life to help!
Just another day! |
But a few things I have learned no matter if you are raising boys or girls or a mixture of both, treasure every moment, they grow too fast. You do not need to spoil your kids, they will remember the time you spent with them, not the things you bought for them. Tell them you love them each and every day..even when they roll their eyes at you, and lastly listen to what they say, they may be trying to tell you something important and you may not even know it, if you don't listen.
Nicholas and my Aunt, hand in hand. Love this picture! |
I know this...In My Life, sometimes I am overwhelmed with the testosterone that fills my house, but I wouldn't change a thing....except for that mommy room, Get crackin' boys!!
Without him, I wouldn't have any of this! Thank You!! |
Thursday, July 12, 2012
50 Shades of Grey...My take on it
It was bound to happen...I jumped on the "mommy porn" train. All this hype about a book. I had to read it for myself.
I wasn't going to read it at all, but with all the talk about it being "mommy porn" I guess since I am a mom I had to read it, for the good of all moms...hahah.
I am almost done with the second book and it had me thinking...why is this such a hot topic. Sex has always been there, and somewhat out in the open, especially with Dr. Ruth and her sex talk back in the 80's (if you don't know who Dr. Ruth is, you probably shouldn't be reading this book). Many books about it have been written and read for decades, why all of a sudden is this book such a hot topic??
I didn't start to reading these books to spice up my marriage, I am extremely happy with what I have, and I really wasn't sure what to expect when I started to read it. Was it going to be too uncomfortable for me to read, being all about a dominate and submissive relationship?? Did I really want to read about a topic that I have no interest in. Would it peak my interest after I read them??
I bought the book and it sat in my car for probably a good month or two.
OK OK I will start reading it...and I have to say, like many other women have said, I couldn't put it down.....I found myself reading it and only expecting to read a couple of chapters then realizing that it's 2 hours later, I haven't started dinner and the laundry needs folding.....back to reality.
I am not here to discuss the details of the book, if you want details read it for yourself. I am giving you my take on why I think it is so popular with moms/ women. This is strictly my opinion and take it for what you want, I am not a literary expert and do not have a PHD in anything I am just a 41 year old mom of 3. There, that should cover the basics.
I remember being like Anastasia Steele, young innocent not looking for love but stumbling upon it, and almost 22 years later I am still very much in love with my husband. Most times when a man and a woman start dating the man is out to impress the woman...spends a little more, weather it be on great food at a wonderful restaurant, flowers delivered to your doorstep, or a gift for no special reason. Every woman loves the attention. When I started dating my husband he did these same things and I remember feeling great about it. After being married for 18 years and having 3 children, working full time jobs, sometimes with opposite schedules, he still finds the time to do special things for me, but its not as often as when we were younger and dating. Our time is dedicated to our children, and honestly I wouldn't want it any other way.
So here comes this book, and putting all the sex aside, oh and the BDSM it is a nice love story in a way. If you have read the book, put yourself in Anastasia's shoes, young and inexperienced and suddenly....a gorgeous man who happens to be a billionaire thinks you are the most beautiful thing since sliced bread, and will do anything to keep you by his side, and spends countless amounts of money at the drop of a dime, just for you. What woman wouldn't want to be whisked away in a helicopter, or on a whim taken on a glider plane to watch the sunrise. Sure Christian Grey has issues but as the saying goes love is blind. But again I am not discussing the details of the book you'll have to read it for yourself.
Romance, it's what every woman wants, no matter her age or marital status. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying for every man to go and spend money above his means, but maybe all we need is a little romance and that can be as simple as sending the kids to spend the night with grandparents or friends and then cooking your wife dinner and spending a night enjoying each others company (if you stink at cooking takeout is OK too). How about getting her favorite flowers, just because it's Tuesday. My favorite... writing a love note, I would rather a Birthday card or an Anniversary card with a hand written note on the inside than a gift any day!
So there's my take on 50 Shades of Grey...romance, being swept off your feet. Falling in love for the first time or all over again.If the books inspire you to try something new go for it, but don't be lead by a book, create your own romance.
I know this....In My Life romantic books will come and go but my romance with my husband will last a lifetime.
True love is not the number of kissesor how often you get them, true love is the feeling that still lingers long after the kiss is over.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Homemade Italian liquor
Here I go again, trying to get in touch with my Italian heritage. In case you have never heard me mention Nocino let me explain what it is.
Nocino dates back to the Middle Age, produced by the Celts and in monasteries used for medicinal purposes. Since 1978 Italy promoted the traditional Nocino of Modena, where is produced, tasted, and enjoyed during an annual festival. Nocino is an exquisite dark brown liqueur made from walnuts in the Emilia-Romagna region of Northern Italy. It is traditionally produced in the month of June when walnuts are unripe and green, these are steeped in a neutral spirit, resulting into an aromatic bittersweet nutty flavored liqueur.
OK so now you know a little bit about Nocino, my dilemma...I cannot find it anywhere here in the US. I did bring a bottle home from Italy when I went in 2011, but I didn't want to run out of it and so off on my quest I went and I found several recipes on how to make your own.
In Italy most Nocino is homemade so the recipes do vary, but I thought, I could do this why not try.
Sounds easy...not so much. The main ingredient is green unripened walnuts....I don't have a walnut tree and do not know of a single grocery store that carries them. Thank goodness for the Internet. I found a great website and put my name on a waiting list.
The walnuts are harvested in late June or early July depending on the weather. I got the email and ordered my walnuts that day, so glad I did not hesitate because they sold out of the first harvest.
My order came and I was so excited to try and make this.
One of the several recipes I have found says to use 95% proof grain alcohol.... One problem, I couldn't find anything higher than 80 proof and I was running out of time with the walnuts.....I can't win. I decided to use 80% proof grain vodka and adjust the recipe a little.
One of the first things I needed was gloves?!?!? Apparently green walnuts stain when you cut them, and you will not see the staining until after about an hour. to
put everything in...check...
OK things are starting to look a little better...
Since I had to order 5lbs of the walnuts I knew I would be able to make several batches, so this was my chance to try a few different recipes and see what was the best. They all start off with the same basic principal, cut the walnuts in 1/4 then add the alcohol, according to most Italians you need to use an odd amount of walnuts, not really sure why, some recipes have you add all the ingredients at the beginning of the aging process and some add it half way through.
All cut and just waiting for the alcohol |
Next it's a waiting game of sorts, the walnut mixture needs to age 40 days in a sunny spot and stirred once a day.
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After about 6 hours in the sun, this batch I added some cloves and cinnamon stick |
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24 hours later |
After the 40 days, depending on the recipe, you either need to add the remaining ingredients or if you have already added them it now needs to be in a cool dark place for 20 days. After all this is done, filter and then bottle and store in a cool dark place until ready to use. It is said that the longer you wait the better the taste. Not sure how long I will be able to wait. I am hoping to have a sample by Christmas....or a few sips as I bottle it.
It's been about 3 weeks now and the liquid is so dark you can no longer see the excited!
I know this...In My Life I was taught that patience is a virtue, but waiting to see the outcome is hard.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Gettysburg......that's in Pennsylvania, if you didn't know.....I guess this means we are in for a history lesson.
Why did I decide to write about Gettysburg?? I am not really sure, and if you ask my husband he would say I have no business writing about Gettysburg. He's somewhat right, here's why.
I am not a fan of history, never have been. I understand why it is important, but I also have no more room in my already overfilled brain to remember any of the interesting tidbits about war, battles, or which happened first. Before I go on I need to apologize to any of my former high school history teachers. I paid attention then, I just don't care so much now....I have to worry about when I am going to do laundry and what's for dinner, and that comes before history.
Thankfully my boys didn't inherit my lacking interest of history, they actually enjoy it. Phew, I did something right. Now we have traveled across this wonderful country, and we were lucky enough to visit the Battle of Little Bighorn also known as Custer's last stand in Montana but for me it wasn't as interesting as Gettysburg. I actually would like to go back to Gettysburg, so I have done a little research and I hope to make my children and husband proud of what I have learned, as long as they keep in mind that if there is laundry to do or dishes to be put away I may just forget some of this information.
So here we go, things you may or may not ever want to know about Gettysburg......
From July 1 to July 3, 1863, Gettysburg was the site of one of the largest battles of the American Civil War, the deadliest by a wide margin, and one that is widely considered the closest the South came to winning. Also, on November 19, 1863, it was the location where Abraham Lincoln delivered The Gettysburg Address.
One of the most persistent legends, is that it was fought over shoes. Ten weeks after the battle, Confederate general Henry Heth, a Virginian whose troops were the first to engage on July 1, filed a now-famous report in which he explained why he had sent a portion of his division into the small Pennsylvania town. "On the morning of June 30," Heth wrote, "I ordered Brigadier General [Johnston] Pettigrew to take his brigade to Gettysburg, search the town for army supplies (shoes especially), and return the same day."
So what are the real reasons for the battle? There is no question that the Union and Confederate armies collided unexpectedly at Gettysburg (in what, in military terms, is called a "meeting engagement"). It is also true that Heth's men—indeed, much of the Army of Northern Virginia, were short on shoes. (and they say women love shoes)The oldest soldier to volunteer, John L. Burns, a resident of Gettysburg, was 70 years old when the battle started. Hearing the sounds of war, and being a former soldier, he grabbed an eighteenth century flintlock rifle and ran out to take part. On the way to the battle, he found a wounded soldier and traded his gun up. After volunteering his services, he was sent to the front line. Three bullets struck his arms during the battle, and he was abandoned as the Northern soldiers abandoned the position. Southerners found him, and he lied to them, claiming non-combatant status so he could receive medical attention instead of being shot. He outlived the battle by seven years, even though it was unusual in his day to live as long as he had when the battle started.
The Southern cavalry, under General J.E.B. Stuart, was attempting to ride round to the rear of the Northern position, where they could have wreaked havoc on the Northern supplies and greatly compromised the Northern position. They were intercepted by the brash Brigadier General George Custer, known to most today only as the guy who got killed by Native Americans at Little Bighorn. He managed to stop a much larger Confederate unit, and said of his own attack, “I challenge history to cite a more brilliant cavalry charge.”
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From the Battle of Little Bighorn, the site where Custer died. |
Robert E Lee had a pet chicken named “Hen”. Hen was kept at headquarters tent and would lay an egg under Lee’s cot each morning. He would eat the egg each morning for breakfast. Hen did survive the battle of Gettysburg, however it is reported that Hen did not survive the war.
After the Battle of Gettysburg, the discarded rifles were collected and sent to Washington to be inspected and reissued. Of the 37,574 rifles recovered, approximately 24,000 were still loaded; 6,000 had one round in the barrel; 12,000 had two rounds in the barrel; 6,000 had three to ten rounds in the barrel. One rifle, the most remarkable of all, had been stuffed to the top with twenty-three rounds in the barrel.
Enjoy the summer, and maybe your plans can include a visit to Gettysburg and you'll have an amazing time.
I know this...In My Life teaching my children about history is much more fun than doing laundry, just don't quiz me about it later....
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